Nazaj na arhiv
26. 5. 2012
dr. Zvi Paltiel
Weizmann Institute of Science, Izrael

Seeing is Believing - isn't it?

Several phenomena are very surprising, but since they are so common, we tend to take them for granted. Think about a scene reflected by pond water surface, or those sunrays emerging from behind a cloud. As we are used to these phenomena we are inclined to disregard their surprising nature. In this presentation, we will have a deeper look at these and other surprising everyday phenomena. Hopefully the way we look at natural phenomena will change accordingly.

individualni obisk
  • torek, sreda, četrtek od 10.00 do 13.00

  • sobota in nedelja
    od 10. do 18. ure
  • Med jesenskimi počitnicami smo odprti 26. ter 27. 10 in od 30. 10. do 3. 11. med 10. in 18. uro.
  • sobota 26. 10. 2024 ob 16.00
  • nedelja 27. 10. 2024 ob 16.00
  • predjed pred obiskom
  • koledar
skupinski obisk

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